
Basic Core Competencies

University Basic Competencies

Service-Learning, English proficiency, Information Technology proficiency, Chinese proficiency, and Sports capability.

Department Basic Competencies

Undergraduate : Service-Learning, English proficiency, Information Technology proficiency, Chinese proficiency, and Sports capability.

MBA : The ability to write professional thesis reports.

EMBA : The ability to write professional thesis reports: Complete the master's thesis and pass the review.

Department Core Competencies

Core Competencies of Undergraduate Program
  • C1 運用核心課程基礎知識的能力(穩固的基礎)(Strong knowledge base)
            Capacity of applying the core knowledge of finance, insurance and management
  • C2 擴展風險管理與保險實質面、財務面與人文面領域的視角 (寬廣的視野)(Broad view)
             Holistic risk management and insurance scope, including physical, financial and humanity dimensions·
  • C3 運用資訊系統分析問題的能力(分析問題的能力) (Analysis)
             Capacity of operating computer software and analyzing data effectively
  • C4 解決風險管理與保險問題的能力(解決問題的能力) (Finding solutions)
         Capacity of solving issues related to risk management and insurance.
  • C5 強化團隊合作的能力(合作的能力) (Team cooperation)
             Enhancing the capacity of team work.
  • C6 分析國際風險管理與保險資訊的能力(世界觀)(Global worldview)
             Analysis of international risk management and insurance information .
Core Competencies of Graduate (MBA) Program
  • Ca 整合核心理論知識的能力(深厚的基礎)
             Integrate the core knowledge of risk management and insurance (Deep knowledge base)
  • Cb 擴展風險管理與保險實質面、財務面與人文面領域的知識(寬廣的視野)
             Broaden the knowledge of holistic risk management and insurance, including physical, financial and humanity dimensions (Broad view)
  • Cc 運用資訊系統分析風險與保險問題的能力(分析問題的能力)
             Capacity of programming computer software and analyzing risk and
    insurance data (Data analysis)
  • Cd 規劃風險管理系統與保險經營體系的能力(規劃的能力)
             Capacity of programming and solving issues related to risk management systems and insurance operation systems (Programming and operations)
  • Ce 風險溝通與團隊合作的能力(溝通與合作的能力
             Capacity of risk communication and team work (Communication and cooperation)
  • Cf 規劃與運用國際風險管理與保險資訊的能力(世界觀)
             Programming and application of international risk management and insurance information (Global worldview)
Core Competencies of Graduate (EMBA) Program
  • CA 整合核心理論與實務的能力(深厚的基礎)
    Integrate core theory and practice in risk management and insurance (Deep knowledge base)
  • CB 擴展風險管理與保險實質面、財務面與人文面領域的知識(寬廣的視野
    Broaden knowledge of holistic risk management and insurance, including physical, financial and
    humanity dimensions (Broad view)
  • CC 運用資訊系統分析風險與保險問題的能力(分析問題的能力)
    Capacity of programming computer software and analyzing risk and insurance data (Data analysis)
  • CD 規劃風險管理系統與保險經營體系的能力(規劃的能力)
    Capacity of programming and solving issues related to risk management systems and insurance
    operation systems (Programming and operation)
  • CE 風險溝通與團隊合作的能力(溝通與合作的能力)
    Capacity of risk communication and team work (Communication and cooperation)
  • CF 規劃與運用國際風險管理與保險資訊的能力(世界觀)
    Programming and application of international risk management and insurance information (Global worldview)