

    The Department of Information Applications, Finance and Insurance strives for significant professional performance through theory-based risk management and insurance education along with advancement of practical risk manager training. The department prepares students with the professionalism of holistic risk managers, a sense of responsibility, high professional ethics, team spirit and global worldview to serve national and international risk management and insurance communities.


    Department of Information Applications, Finance and Insurance, formerly known as Department of Banking and Insurance (1957-1990) and Department of Insurance (1991-1999), was established in 1957. From 1957 to 1990, its goal was to train more professionals in banking and insurance in order to satisfy the growing needs of the national financial services industry. In 1990 , the Department of Banking and Insurance was divided into the Department of Insurance and Department of Financial Management. In 2001 , the former Department of Insurance was renamed the Department of Risk Management and Insurance, focusing on corporate risk management and personal financial planning education.

    In the year 2025, in response to the global trend toward the AI era and digital finance, our department has deeply integrated the fields of finance and insurance with big data, artificial intelligence, and information applications. This initiative strengthens students' abilities in database operations, programming, and AI applications, promoting the cross-disciplinary integration of finance, insurance, and information technology. As a result, we have fully upgraded our professional skills and officially renamed the department to "Department of Information Applications, Finance and Insurance."

     To date, the Department has grown into one of the largest departments of its kind in Taiwan with around 1,000 students and is recognized as one of the country's leading providers of risk management and insurance education. The Department of Information Applications, Finance and Insurance strives for academic excellence through theory-based risk management education and advancement of practical risk manager training, preparing the department's students with total risk manager's professionalism, a sense of responsibility, high professional ethic standards, team spirit and global worldview to serve national and international risk management and insurance communities.

Department Education Goals

Undergraduate Program Goals
  • G1 追求風險管理與保險職場上的具體表現
             Strive for significant professional performance in the career of risk management and insurance
  • G2 奠定風險管理與保險的理論基礎與強化實務訓練
             Establish theory-based risk management and insurance education along with advancement of practical training
  • G3 培育風險管理與保險基層專業人才
             Prepare students with fundamental professionalism in risk management and insurance
  • G4 發揮風險管理與保險經營的團隊精神
             Develop team spirit for risk management and insurance operations
  • G5 拓展風險管理與保險的國際視野
             Broaden global views toward risk management and insurance
Graduate (MBA) Program Goals
  • Ga 追求風險管理與保險職場上的創新與具體表現
    Strive for creative, significant professional performance in risk management and insurance
  • Gb 深化風險管理與保險的理論與強化經營實務的規劃
     Provide students with theory of risk management and insurance education along with practical training at a more advanced level
  • Gc 培育風險管理與保險中高層專業人才
     Prepare managers-to-be with advanced professionalism in risk management and insurance
  • Gd 發揮風險長與保險中高層主管的領導力與團隊合作精神
     Develop the team spirit and leadership required of Chief Risk Officers, Insurance Directors and Officers
  • Ge 拓展風險管理與保險全方位及國際的視野
     Broaden global and holistic views toward risk management and insurance
Graduate (EMBA) Program Goals
  • GA 追求風險管理與保險職場上的創新與具體表現
             Strive for creative, significant professional performance in risk management and insurance
  • GB 整合風險管理與保險的實務操作
            Integrate practices of risk management and insurance
  • GC 培育風險管理與保險中高層專業人才
             Prepare managers-to-be with advanced professionalism in risk management and insurance
  • GD 發揮風險長與保險中高層主管的領導力與團隊合作精神
             Develop the team spirit and leadership required of Chief Risk Officers, Insurance Directors and Officers
  • GE 拓展風險管理與保險全方位及國際的視野
            Broaden global and holistic views toward risk management and insurance